We are one big family.

Leather tanning being a historic craft has gone through immense advancements since its inception in the year 800 BCE, we as Sai Chamois Inc, also share pride in adding our expertise in shaping this pursuit towards perfection with 100% pure New Zealand Origin Bovine and Ovine Skins Tanned with Marine Fish Oils in Traditional Processing Methods.

Established in the year 2000, as a family-owned business, with a vision of manufacturing leather of finest and exquisite quality, Sai constantly has a keen eye towards environmental friendliness, ensured through our thoroughly biodegradable, antimicrobial, sustainable, renewable, and ethically sourced skins & hides from New Zealand’s origin animals.


We deeply believe in our vision of retaining our reputation for quality without causing any harm to the nature.

From sourcing, to processing until the packaging of the finished product every step is accomplished with the aid of non-hazardous techniques and chemicals. Traceability for our leathers can be achieved by the virtue of our trusted relationship with the well-recognized New Zealand Meat companies committed to Animal welfare and sustainable process systems, while at Sai we also concur with the same motto, “We value the nature”.



Backed by our exclusive partnership with the most authentic New Zealand farms.

We at Sai are able to source animal skins and hides as by-products of farming and meat processing, wherein highest level of ethical practices and animal welfare are supervised. Audited by Leather Working Group (LWG) as a SILVER-rated member, also ensures Sai approaches traceability through assessing material procurement to make certain that our upstream suppliers are also certified and are compliant to the protocol.